1. I'm 14 years old, in year 10 at high school and my birthday is the 2nd of April (just after April fools thank god haha!!)
2. I have a really bad lisp
3. I've had 3 operations because I have femoral neck ante version and I've got at least one more operation to come
4. I am a MASSIVE vampette! (For those of you who don't know vampettes are what the female fans of the vamps are called the males are vampions!)
5. At the age of 8 I decided it would be a good idea to try and shape my eyebrows, however I had no idea what I was doing and ended up shaving them off!
6. I want to become a doctor in paediatrics when I'm older
7. When I stepped on a snail (by accident) I freaked out and felt really bad and no whenever I see a snail I have to rescue it from being stepped on and get it out of the way! (I know, weird right?)
8. I'm double jointed
9. I've never had a nosebleed in my life!
10. I am only 4ft 10 not even made it to 5ft yet:(
11. I haven an older brother (17) and a younger sister (11)
12. I've never been to a wedding
13. I bite my nails really really badly and I know it's terrible
14. I've only ever been abroad to Cyprus never anywhere else!
15. I got given a teddy bear from a receptionist at the hospital because I had the same name as her!
16. I have a dog named Alfie and he's the cutest ever🙊
17. I'm seeing The Vamps live for the first time this year on the 11 of October and I'm going all the way to Cardiff, Wales to see them!
18. I live in Norfolk
19. My favourite films are Titanic and The Fault In Our Stars!
20. My favourite youtubers are thatcherjoe, zoella, Pointlessblog, and Marcus Butler!