Hey Guys,
Happy New year and I hope everyone has had an amazing christmas and that the next year will be the best it possibly can be! Let me know in the comments if you want a mini christmas haul to see the presents I received and what i bought with my christmas money. Hope everyone is doing well and hasn't got bored waiting!
I am incredibly sorry that i havent written a post in months, there really isnt an excuse. I want to be able to keep all of you happy but im absolutely useless. Currently trying to raise money for a volunteering trip to Ecuador in 2017 which i am just as bad at as writing regular posts for you guys! Anyway I have a lot of exciting posts lined up this year and hopefully I will be a lot better this year than I was last!
Anyway back to the new year. Its a new year, a new beginning and most of all, new resolutions to be made and almost definitely be broken or forgotten! I have a few resolutions for 2016 which i am determined to see through! I want to improve on here, Pretty much raise all the money needed for Ecuador, focus on my exams and try to live a lot healthier. Whether or not I will stick to them is a different story but I really want to surprise myself. I would love to know if you have made any resolutions for 2016 and what they are. And also if in the past you have ever made a resolution which you have stuck to. I know I haven't!
Emma x