Sunday, 15 March 2015

What is love?

Hey Guys! 

So today I was with my best friend, I don't want to publicize her name so she's going to be called N for this post. Anyway I have known her since I was two years old and we have been best friends ever since. There are pictures of us everywhere together posing like idiots!! Because I have known her for so long I know all about the people who make her happy and most of all boys who make her happy. She has known this boy (He will be called T) since primary and they have dated a couple of times. Now they are all in high school and T is a year younger than N. They are kind of in a relationship you could say because they kiss and cuddle and act super cute like they are together, however, neither one has officially said they are together. To make it all the more complicated they both still date other people. Which I know is completely wrong. Anyway N is always asking me what I think about the whole in a relationship not in a relationship thing and I tell her the truth; I think they are and need to stop being silly and properly get together. The only problem is her parents and his parents believe he is playing her and doing it to make it look good on him having someone older to fall back on. Do you understand what I mean?
Have any of you ever had this problem before?
I really care about N and i don't want her to get hurt in case what her parents and his think is true.
Please comment on your thoughts about them

Emma x

1 comment:

  1. I think you seem like an amazing friend being so worried about her! I think that you're probably right as are the parents, he is probably thinking being with an older girl is cool and he can fall back on her. However, all part of growing up is discovering new things and having heartbreak makes you stronger as an outcome. I think everybody in the situation need to let N and T do what they want and let whatever happen, happen. If it goes wrong you've just got to be there for her and help her get through it because if they don't go for it, they could miss an amazing opportunity. Really hoped this helped a little bit xx
