Saturday 6 September 2014

20 facts about me !

So I haven't been blogging very much recently and that is because I have literally had no ideas as to what to blog about! Built then it came to me, no one actually knows a lot about me yet so why do a 20 facts about me post so here it is!

1.  I'm 14 years old, in year 10 at high school and my birthday is the 2nd of April (just after April fools thank god haha!!)
2. I have a really bad lisp
3. I've had 3 operations because I have femoral neck ante version and I've got at least one more operation to come
4. I am a MASSIVE vampette! (For those of you who don't know vampettes are what the female fans of the vamps are called the males are vampions!)
5. At the age of 8 I decided it would be a good idea to try and shape my eyebrows, however I had no idea what I was doing and ended up shaving them off!
6. I want to become a doctor in paediatrics when I'm older
7. When I stepped on a snail (by accident) I freaked out and felt really bad and no whenever I see a snail I have to rescue it from being stepped on and get it out of the way! (I know, weird right?)
8. I'm double jointed
9. I've never had a nosebleed in my life!
10. I am only 4ft 10 not even made it to 5ft yet:(
11. I haven an older brother (17) and a younger sister (11)
12. I've never been to a wedding
13. I bite my nails really really badly and I know it's terrible
14. I've only ever been abroad to Cyprus never anywhere else!
15. I got given a teddy bear from a receptionist at the hospital because I had the same name as her!
16. I have a dog named Alfie and he's the cutest ever🙊

 17. I'm seeing The Vamps live for the first time this year on the 11 of October and I'm going all the way to Cardiff, Wales to see them!
18. I live in Norfolk
19. My favourite films are Titanic and The Fault In Our Stars!
20. My favourite youtubers are thatcherjoe, zoella, Pointlessblog, and Marcus Butler!


  1. Great post,dear!

  2. We have the same favourite youtubers!

    New post on my blog it'll mean the world to me if you check it out :)

  3. I've nominated you for the Liebster award! Check out my blog for details ♥

  4. Haha! Your dog is cute! :)

    x vonyll
